Contact Us
- Leave us a message on our voicemail at [ (334)438-6924 ] and we will return your message within 24 hours.

100 Franklin Ave, Nutley, NJ 07110, United States
Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 6pm
Sat: 10am – 2pm
The Healthy You Rx Way
1. Take the brief 2 minute online quiz.
2. Pay the once yearly non-refundable $59 consult fee. Schedule your consult with the doctor using the online Outlook calendar. You can select an appointment slot but the consult is not officially booked until the $59 consult fee is paid.
3. Review your medical history and quiz results with the doctor during the online video consult. After the discussion between you and the doctor during the consult and upon approval your weekly injectable weight loss medication and dosage will be chosen.
4. After your payment for the medication and shipping($41) the medication will be ordered. Your medication will be shipped directly to your shipping address on file in a cold shipping package. The shipped medication package will include everything you need to do the weekly medication injections- 10 needles, 10 syringes and 10 alcohol pred pads. You can expect to receive your weight loss medication package within 7-10 business days.
- Leave us a message on our voicemail at (334)438-6924 and we will return your message within 24 hours.
we Serve The entire state of alabama

Contact Us
Practical and comprehensive guidance in weight loss solutions and wellness, tailored for all individuals seeking a healthier lifestyle.